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Welcome to our online shop 

of Flax Natural Products

Naturally inspired Skin, Body & Hair Care



Flax aims to meet the needs of modern consumers by creating high quality, honest, smart cosmetics and personal care products using excellent raw materials through environment-friendly production processes, in order to offer a unique skin care experience.

Corporate Philosophy

The establishment of Flax was an initiative of grandpa, Vasilis Vavvas and his associates in order to hold business in the field of personal care. Stimulation of consumers, expansion of horizons, product evolution, team-work and extroversion were, and still are, the main core of Flax' philosophy.


Using a complete beauty routine in the summer means taking care of your beauty.

Summer is a magical season, but it can be challenging for your skin health.

Moisturizing, protecting it from the sun, using lightweight products for the season: if you adopt adequate summer skincare, your skin will thank you for the attention you dedicate to it, showing you its best during these weeks of sun, sea, and fun.


Our Story

Flax stands in personal and hygiene care for more than half a century. Our success story is humble, with simple ingredients, full of inspiration and creativity.


Our Vision

“What ultimately makes sense in life is the uphill. Only this way you become better, overcome your fears and can finally

stand on your own feet”.

- Tassos Vavvas, Flax Owner & CEO


Discover now our latest news!

Happening now. Life from different perspective. Social, art, alternative events of everyday life through the eyes of Flax’ team.

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